Thursday, March 18, 2010

the other side of a cynic

i told you i hate rejection. i can't handle it. i don't know how.

whether rejecting or being rejected, it just fell out of my expertise. an incident involving rejection just happened to me recently (30 minutes ago to be exact), and now i'm a mess. rasa mcm nak nangis pun ada tp nasib baik i hear myself saying 'apahal nak nangis pulak tiba2? ngeng'. so, air mata tak jadi nak keluar. i need to get myself together. mcm mana nak berjaya dlm hidup ni? hish.

now i know, i have a fear of rejection. it's a phobia. it's like an illness. is there a scientific name for it?

ps : i'm sooooooo sorry. very very. :(

oh yeah, by the way, i wasn't rejected. i was rejecting.

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