Saturday, December 12, 2009


i never understood why people write blogs - normal people i mean, not those who want to advertise their writings.because i thought you write blogs to express your feelings, to write about the things you wouldn't say out loud. kinda like your diary. so why would you let other people read your diary? why would you wanna let them judge your opinions? worse of all, why would you wanna publish your life? i used to think bloggers are suckers who don't have any life other than sit in front of the computer and and write about their lives. (sorry peeps, no offense =D) but i know now, it's more than that, a lot more. I've broadened my horizon.

so here i am writing my first post at 5.50 a.m, because i can't sleep and i got nothing else to do. i guess I'm one of you suckers now.-_-


Dini said...

kuwang aja kau. haha

welcome to the suckers club! :)

miratropolis said...

hahaha. sory lah.
jgn marah. i'm one of you anyway.