Friday, December 18, 2009

don't ask why

*dedicated to dini =)

the term forever and always is crap. take my word for it. don't be so immature by thinking anything will last forever. the term doesn't even apply in true love. let me tell you why.

because today she might be your best friend, the bff you oh so love. but tomorrow you'll grow up and go to different schools and colleges and you'll meet new friends and make new best friends, and so would she. and the next thing you know, you'll be calling each other asking "how you've been?" and maybe you'll meet up again somewhere and it will get awkward again, like meeting someone new.

or because today he might be your boyfriend and you might think he's the one. but tomorrow he'll go on a vacation with his family and he'll meet this other girl and they'll start hanging out and he'll realise that he's actually falling for her and thinks she's the one for him. it's not his fault though, as you can't help who you fall for.

or because today she's the only daughter you have and you thought she'll always be your little girl who'll come crying to you when she falls off her bike or come running to you to tell you a joke. but tomorrow she'll grow up as any other teenager and soon she becomes rebellious and says she hates you from time to time.

or because today you might be the perfect wife married to the perfect husband. you got everything you could ever hope for and more from a marriage. clearly both of you will have the perfect family with the perfect children and the perfect house and the perfect love. but tomorrow you're gonna die and leave him alone when the children are married and have their own perfect family. and after a long, long time of grieving he'll remarry with the old schoolmate he met at his reunion and he'll live happily with her until the end of their lives.

so who are you going to blame? whose fault is it? let me tell you who, it's the forever's fault. it should never be in your life, in our lives. forever is a myth, a fairytale. and fairytales are for children, so mature up and step into reality. relationship is a journey, it's a battle. you fight to keep it strong every single day. there's two sides in every relationship and they meet each other halfway. you can't put decisions in the hands of forever and expect things to turn out okay - because it won't.

if you ask me do i believe in soulmates? i'd say no... i don't. at least not right now. i do believe in jodoh and all that. there is a person for each and everyone. but soulmates are just too... uh i don't know, mythical. because it makes you believe that that one person is for you, and going to stay with you forever, regardless. let's say you've already found your 'soulmate' and you're married to him/her. i dare you to ignore them for a few months and see what happens. they are not gonna come crawling back to you, that's for sure. because there is no effort to keep the bond.

it takes hard work and baby steps, everyday. don't just jump to forever. they say, don't make promises you can't keep. be grateful and cherish the life you have today because you don't know what tomorrow's gonna bring. if something doesn't turn out the way you wanted, if something doesn't stay forever, it's not anybody's fault. it's life. tough love, deal with it. try again later.

ps : i miss essays.


Dini said...

favourite sentences;

-it's not his fault though, as you can't help who you fall for.

-(about relationship) you fight to keep it strong every single day.

-they are not gonna come crawling back to you, that's for sure. because there is no effort to keep the bond.

& your entire last paragraph!

i remember how we decorated our tables with those post-it notes, writing about how bullshity forever is. and and, i remember when we used to sing taylor's forever and always song over and over again.

you're right amira. forever is a crap. i agree 110% on whatever u say here, but on the same time when that particular someone tells me that he will love me forever, er, cant help it lah. huahuahua. i'll smile, and maybe blush a little,.. instead of scolding him "Apa kau merepek ni? The term forever is crap u &*%^$!" but u see, thats just what people in love do. they say crappy stuff to each other ;)

ok. sorry, tak bermaksud nk buat blog kat sini :D

i liike this one. really. i have thought abt writing about forever too, still in draft. maybe will never be posted pun kot. you put it in words real well. yours is beautifully written. bravo.


Dini said...

ps. friends FOREVER! hahahaha

miratropolis said...

hahaha! 1st impression aku bila click 'comments', apakah ini?? panjang gile.

thanks. yeah, FOREVER AND EVER! hehe

Anonymous said...

dini,aku agree 59%,the rest,aku believe in forever and always,and since aku xkn buat blog sndri..aku menyemak kt sini jrla ye(HAHA)now let me tell you about the other 41%,

yes,you may lose your bff sbb separate college and all that,but you cant just lose the 'link' u guys used to have.the trust will still be there.

yes,theres a chance your bf will fall for someone else but doesnt mean you cant love him forever.

and yes,the daughter will hate her dad from time to time but he will forever be her dad,he will forever be the first man in her life,if somethng hppn,trust me the daughter will always come crawling back to her dad,bcos hes the only man she knows for sure love her forever.

and yes,ppl die and get remarried,maybe will get happy again but who knows deep down inside he still in love dgn wife yg dh mati tu.before sleep he will hug the new wife but when he close his eyes,he sees someone else.

so whose fault is it?(HAHA)let me tell you who,its tell yourself forever and always is crap,you're the one who make up bnda tuu.same thing we make up that song is bad,this song is good,or we make up true love is crap and true love is true.ask yourself,what world will it be if everyone make up that forever and always is crap?whats the point of loving another person??

in any kind of relationship,if we make up forever and always is true,believing that person will always love you,then if anything happens,at least you still have the bff you could talk to,someone to trust again.a daughter will still has a man she could laugh with and trust after having bad relationships.a husband will still look at his dead wife' pic and said imissyou even bini bru ad kt dpur tgh msk.

all im trying to say is,its okay to belive in forever and always,it gives you hope,gives u strengh and solace.maybe we will smile again bla dh nngs teruk2 sbb kite believe there is someone who will always love us no matter what.we will smile again sbb believe its okay to love the guy forvr even dia dh x.
so its up to us nk make up forever and alwys is you really want to live in a world believing it is crap?
sometimes we NEED to believe in fairytales bcos the reality is just too painful

miratropolis said...

apesal la korg ni menyemak kat sini ni.-_-

amal : btw, 'its okay to love the guy forvr even dia dh x.' aik, mcm kenal je...=P

anyway, touché =D

Dini said...


aku takleh stop gelak.