Tuesday, January 26, 2010


people say you have to be strong to get through life. have tough skin to be out there. and i have been. maybe even a little too tough. but rejection after rejection after rejection,

...sometimes i think i'm dead inside.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

David Sedaris

just finished a book called 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' by David Sedaris. it took me almost a month to finish this. what was my problem? lama gilaa. and this is the only book i've read this holiday. ish. i should've finished at least 4 by now. entah la, maybe i don't the time (cehh). so okay, here's the thing about this book

this is not the kind of book i'll pick up at a book store, let alone buy it. sbb the cover and the title sounds like a chick flick and i don't read chick flicks. they say don't judge a book by it's cover, but i do. well.. i judge it more to the title. so i guess that's fine. my sister gave it to me, she flew it from the US. literally.so bila dah dapat free free tu, baca je laa. the reviews said it's funny, so i say what the heck, let's give it a try.

so then i did. finished yesterday. no, it's not what i thought it was. and shall i say, man, it is funny! hands down, the funniest book i've read. i'm a tough judge though. but this book cracked me up in almost every chapter. i didn't want it to end. but the thing that really hooked me was the writing. i love the way this man writes. the sentences, the structures,the phrases, the anecdotes, they were perfect.. to me, at least. i realised as i was reading, the way he writes is the same way i write! woop! we're the same!

of course i'm not as great as he is, but if i were to pursue my studies in english writing, if i were to become an author, that is exactly how i would be writing and this is the exact kind of book i would write for my first publish. it's like i found my future 'me'. haha. although it didn't win an award or anything, like the Pulitzer or such, but it surprises me that i really enjoyed it. this book is not a fiction, it's more like a rough autobiography with an odd arrangement. i guess that's why i like it so much, because it's weird.

if i tell anyone with a good sense in reading that i like David Sedaris, they'll probably laugh at me. i mean he's no Faulkner or Salinger, i know. but he's me. this book is not a masterpiece or a big deal, he's just another writer. so to Mr. Sedaris : eventhough you have a low IQ, i still think you're a genius (haha inside joke). and now you're officially my favourite writer.

so i'm recommending this book not just because it's wildly entertaining, but because i won't be writing any book any time soon, or later. so this is like a preview of how my book would be like if i choose this career. go read it. i hope it'll give you a perspective just like it has given me.

sorry ter-meleret. i can't help. tak boleh la tulis pendek2. it's habit.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I was driving around and around a parking garage in search of an available space. Nothing. Then I noticed a couple walking ahead of me.

"Going out?" I called to them.

"No," said the man. "Just friends."

George Tobin, Reader's Digest.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

close your eyes, breath in, then breath out

i went to sunway pyramid the other day. tgk sherlock holmes. best gilak! kenapa ada org ckp tak best? crazy -_- lepastu jln2 tanpa tujuan. bosan lah. and penat berjalan.

lepastu it was time to go home. papa picked me up and drove us home. i love driving home. it's the ride that soothes me. i don't like the going-to ride, it's the coming-back-from ride i always long for. i never understood why people hate traffic jam, why they're stressed by it. i mean, i get it if you're late for work or in a rush or something. but if you're going back home in the evening, traffic jam is my favourite. haha. call me crazy, but people should like it too. it's nature's way of giving you time to waste. so savour it while it lasts. tapi haritu takde traffic jam sgt pun.

we were driving and the weather is just perfect. walaupun agak panas sikit. the sun was shining like it always does every evening, the trees, the sky, aaaah. kalau going-to ride selalu nak cepat, nak kejar masa, nak tgk movie, nak pegi mkn la, nak tu la, ni la. tapi bila balik, setelah penat seharian berjalan, rasa mcm ala..cepat la nak balik, nak tido. but once i got into the car and the engine is starting, the feeling goes away. bila tgk jalan raya, bila rasa cahaya matahari memancar ke muka, rasa happy. and we're not in a rush anymore, sampai rmh pukul berapa pun tak kisah, traffic jam lama gila pun takpe. sebab ada satu perasaan yg tak boleh di-explain.

some people like the beach, some people like the mountains, but i, i love driving through the highway. sebab beaches and mountains kena pegi jauh2 dulu baru boleh dpt, kena pergi holiday baru best. tapi highway you can have everyday. so why not take advantage of something people always took for granted. although it was not me who were driving, but by just sitting in the car, it took my mind away from everything. it's like all the problems in the world just disappeared in that one ride. you can feel the sun shines through the window, with nothing awaits you but the the clouds up front.

i'm not just talking about that one particular day, though. it's everyday, at least the days when i go out.i will always get perkier, more excited, happier, and crazier in the ride home. because it will always be the highlight of my day. i will sing a long with the radio out loud, embracing the scenery as i go. walaupun takde la lawa sgt pun scenery nya. mcm biasa je la, selangor -_- i've read somewhere about the things you should do before you die - drive through the highways of new york as the sun was rising. whoaa. i can imagine that, because i can totally understand what it will feels like. with a breathtaking view, - sangat contenting. dkt malaysia ni pun dah soothing, apa lagi somewhere out there. i'd like to do that one day, driving aimlessly.

anyway, i don't know why i like so much. i mean, i don't just like it. i loveeee it. not in the morning as it's too early for me, hehe, always is. and not in the afternoon either, it's too hot. always, always, in the evening. i gotta feeling i'm gonna like driving one day, as in myself behind the wheel, with nothing but the radio. the sun pouring its orange light, looking straight ahead, i see the blue sky filled with milky clouds. around me, i see cars with happy people in it. and i, singing a long with whoever on the radio, hentam the lyrics if i have to. and then senyum sorang sorang. perfect.

nowadays i write with no content and lack of structures. inilah akibatnya tak pergi sekolah -_-