Saturday, January 16, 2010

David Sedaris

just finished a book called 'Me Talk Pretty One Day' by David Sedaris. it took me almost a month to finish this. what was my problem? lama gilaa. and this is the only book i've read this holiday. ish. i should've finished at least 4 by now. entah la, maybe i don't the time (cehh). so okay, here's the thing about this book

this is not the kind of book i'll pick up at a book store, let alone buy it. sbb the cover and the title sounds like a chick flick and i don't read chick flicks. they say don't judge a book by it's cover, but i do. well.. i judge it more to the title. so i guess that's fine. my sister gave it to me, she flew it from the US. bila dah dapat free free tu, baca je laa. the reviews said it's funny, so i say what the heck, let's give it a try.

so then i did. finished yesterday. no, it's not what i thought it was. and shall i say, man, it is funny! hands down, the funniest book i've read. i'm a tough judge though. but this book cracked me up in almost every chapter. i didn't want it to end. but the thing that really hooked me was the writing. i love the way this man writes. the sentences, the structures,the phrases, the anecdotes, they were perfect.. to me, at least. i realised as i was reading, the way he writes is the same way i write! woop! we're the same!

of course i'm not as great as he is, but if i were to pursue my studies in english writing, if i were to become an author, that is exactly how i would be writing and this is the exact kind of book i would write for my first publish. it's like i found my future 'me'. haha. although it didn't win an award or anything, like the Pulitzer or such, but it surprises me that i really enjoyed it. this book is not a fiction, it's more like a rough autobiography with an odd arrangement. i guess that's why i like it so much, because it's weird.

if i tell anyone with a good sense in reading that i like David Sedaris, they'll probably laugh at me. i mean he's no Faulkner or Salinger, i know. but he's me. this book is not a masterpiece or a big deal, he's just another writer. so to Mr. Sedaris : eventhough you have a low IQ, i still think you're a genius (haha inside joke). and now you're officially my favourite writer.

so i'm recommending this book not just because it's wildly entertaining, but because i won't be writing any book any time soon, or later. so this is like a preview of how my book would be like if i choose this career. go read it. i hope it'll give you a perspective just like it has given me.

sorry ter-meleret. i can't help. tak boleh la tulis pendek2. it's habit.


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