Wednesday, March 31, 2010


i was cleaning my room the other day. books, clothes, everything was everywhere. as i was rearranging them all, i picked up my old school bag pack. i used the bag almost 3 years ago. hardly ever touched it since. i thought "what the hey, let's clean the inside of the bag too". i opened every zip, took out every rubbish i left in there. as i thought i was done, i saw there was a hidden pocket inside.

"that's weird. never knew it existed. a pocket inside a pocket, that's funny". i opened it, and there it was - a white paper folded neatly. looked like a letter. filled with curiousity, i unfolded it gently and read it. the letter dated ?/3/2007 and at the bottom, it was signed by you.

right after i finish reading it, i felt like crying, smiling, jumping, my heart was racing. but instead, all i did was screamed, "WHAAAAAT?!". without hesitation, i grabbed my sweater, stepped out and ran to your house. yes.. i ran. i didn't grabbed the phone to call you, or wait till tomorrow, but i ran to your house at 10 pm at night.

as i reached your house, i knocked on the door. after 3 knocks, you opened. with a surprise look on your face, as if to say 'what are you doing here? why are you all sweaty?' you just kept quiet and look at me. with my eyes almost crying, i showed you the letter. your face changed immediately, as if to say 'oh'. without any real dialogue between us, without anyone saying anything, the first thing that came out of my mouth was...

... "if it's any consolation, if i have found this three years ago, on the right time and day, i would have said...

... 'i love you too'..".


Dini said...




miratropolis said...

ape gelak gelak!?

Dini said...

ni macam essay mase final exam form four. "i was clearing my school bag when..."

haha weh sumpah comel. tak sangka boleh jadi in real life :D

miratropolis said...

heh? ade ke essay tu? tak ingat pun. pelik pelik la kau ni. kau jwb ke essay tu?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


miratropolis said...


Khal said...


Anonymous said...


miratropolis said...

anonymous : mana boleh bgtau kat sini. kena bgtau in a private and confidential place