Monday, March 8, 2010

i said, dance! you fool

okay birthday dah lepas. hihi

it was as expected. nothing much. tapi yg peliknya yesterday i was extra moody, extra angry, extra gloomy, extra somber, apa lagi adjective yg negative? aku bangun extra early, tapi lepastu tidur balik then bangun balik extra lambat. bengong. i tried to act normal, try to treat it like it was like any other day, tapi tak boleh gak. mesti nak extra jgk. apahal tah. bermasalah dgn diri sendiri.

tapi nasib baik the last few hours before the day ended aku mcm dah normal sikit. mcm a werewolf yg nak turn into a human balik, slowly but surely. and then today i am healed, completely. tiba tiba je harini dah okay. like i said, it was the day that made me like that. kalau hari semalam tak ber-title 'hari jadi' mesti aku tak mcmtu. haih. birthday, birthday.. can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

anyway. dear birthday, you didn't work this year. sorry. try again later, okay? next year maybe?

ps : i know these last two posts have been weird. yg before this was extra weird. i don't usually write like that, i never in fact. sorry, amira. i was influenced by other bloggers out there. thought i might try. turn out to be funny. it was a one time thing. i swear.

1 comment:

Dini said...

"i was influenced by other bloggers out there."

haaa. baca lagi blog orang lain! hahaha