Saturday, February 12, 2011

i know this is out of the blue, but

after approximately 2 months we hadn't spoken to each other..

me: hello
you: hello
me: hi, cuba teka ni sape.
you: amiraaaaaa! aaaahh!
me: hahaha
someone in the backgroud: macam mane kau tau tu dia?
you: tau la. suara dia unik.

the best welcome-home cheer. if i weren't able to talk to you again in the next 4 months, heck, even a year.. i think i can survive, with just this memory. :)

p/s: i can never be too late right? happy belated birthday. i love you dearly, my friend.

1 comment:

Dini said...


slololo comelnye korang :D