Friday, July 29, 2011


my friends and i went for a little road trip this holiday (walaupun tak la mcm road trip sgt pun, but oh well). it was a vacation to remember.

it was the kind that was so tiring because you have to walk everywhere.
it was the kind that you get lost and had to call people asking for directions saying 'erm, aku pun taktau aku kat mana ni'
and then laughing at ourselves because the place we were looking for was actually 2 lorong away.
it was the kind that most of your money is spent on transportations
because you don't know how to take buses or anything else other than taxis.

it was the kind that at the end of everyday, you are soaking wet and your face all greasy because the weather was too hot.
it was the kind that you got so tired that you got cranky and just want so slap people in the face.
it was the kind that you don't know what these local people are talking about.
it was the kind that you didn't pack your things enough and you go 'uh oh'.

but despite all the hardship,
i met a lot of people that i would've never thought i would meet,
i went to lot of places that you just wanna go uuu.. aaa..,
i witnessed different cultures, i saw different things.

imagine travelling along the rivers, the villages, the sands, the sky, the sunset..
penat mcm mana pun, you can't help but smile.
this is my kind of vacation.

ps: nak backpacking around europe eh, amal? bring it on!

Alhamdulillah (part 2)

remember part 1? hehe

when it comes to my studies, insecurity is my middle name. when i look at these people around me, i can't help but thinking that i can never be like them. how they strive, act, carry themselves is totally different from my way. i'm everything they're not.

but looking at my result for the exam recently, i'm glad i got what i got. at least i know i did something right. it's not that i didn't believe in myself, because i did. i had to. i wouldn't get through if didn't. i stick to every plan i made, but i had to keep questioning 'is it bulletproof?'

i started this year with zero confidence. now every compliment i received put a smile on my face, every 'congratulations!' means a lot. it gives me a little faith. and a little can do so much.

i can officially say, Alhamdulillah i have survived the first year as a medical student. as hard as it may have been, i never question my love for it.

i'm more than happy to be starting the second year in october. wish me the best.

Monday, July 4, 2011


on the 2nd july, around 8.45 am (2.45 pm malaysia), 4 of my friends and i had an accident.

mcm ni ceritanya, kami berlima bersiap siap utk pergi oral histology exam yg start pukul 9am. keluar rumah dlm 8.30 mcmtu, and 1 of my friends suggested we take a taxi sebab dia tak larat nak jalan pagi tu. normally, i wouldn't agree to that since i was on a losing-weight-process where i would prefer to walk whenever possible. but i noticed we were running a bit late, so i agreed anyway.

maka naik la taxi kami berlima. sorang kat depan, 4 berhimpit kat belakang. on the way there, suddenly a car came towards our right side and BOOM! hitting the taxi exactly at the passenger door. my friend, yg duduk betul2 tepi pintu tu got the worst hit. she couldn't move, pinggang dia terhimpit dgn pintu yg remuk selepas dilanggar. i was on the other end, sebelah pintu belah kiri, terhantuk kepala kat cermin kuat gila.

but no, at the moment of the crash, there was no 'life flashing before your eyes', no death thoughts, at least not for me. i didn't even remember what i was thinking in those seconds before the hit. i was probably termenung kosong je kot.

to make story short, 2 of my friends sakit pinggang and sakit belakang. then ambulans came (i didn't even know who called, tiba2 je ambulans muncul). we went to the hospital, my friends did x-rays and ultrasounds, and Alhamdulillah, they were fine. we all were fine. after the hospital, we went to the police station. of course we didn't understand anything they were saying, so we just stood there and wait till everything is finished.

remember i was hit in the head? so yeah, the whole time i was dizzy to the hizzy. takut gila kalau concussion ke apa. i even told my friend 'kalau tiba2 aku pengsan kejap lagi, bersedia tau'. it was the worst headache. rasa mcm kepala kena pukul dgn baseball bat. so after the hospital and the police station, we went to the exam anyway. haha haa hardcore ke tak hardcore kitorang ni. sbb our lecturer tak bagi postpone the exam, but we can be late. so pegi la jugak.

jawab la exam jugak dgn pening2, sakit2 semua. it was an oral je, it just took a few minutes je pun. then, we went home. i took a rest, slept and i was fine. my 2 friends are getting better, dah boleh jalan mcm biasa dah, walaupun sakit2 sikit. the others pun ok. Alhamdulillah, it could've gone worse, but it didn't.

so that's the story of how we, the first malaysians in Zagazig got into an accident. the worst part is, now everybody knows about it. every classmate, every batchmate, every senior, everyone lah. so we're gonna be the popular kids now. hahaha. for awhile.