Thursday, October 21, 2010


on 20.10.2010, around pukul 20:10 (betul, tak tipu. actually tak ingat exactly pukul berapa. tapi lebih kurang la)

at 20:10 on 20.10.2010, i shed tears for the first time since i've been here. and i've been here for exactly one month and a day. and no, it wasn't planned. at all.

i thought i could last longer than a month, but i guess i'm not that strong after all. sebelum ni selamba je, takde feeling langsung. tiba2 boom! and i blame the internet. rasanya kalau i kena campak kat deserted island for years without any connection pun boleh bertahan kot. technologies can be detrimental.

tapi takpe, the tears showed that i'm still human. not the cynical-dead inside-robot i'd always thought i was. though it did take some time, i'm glad to know that i'm still fragile.

please don't tell me you miss me. because of course, i miss you ten times more.

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