Thursday, October 7, 2010


despite that i'm far away from home,
despite that i'm surrounded by the the people and the things that aren't 'me',
despite that i've gained weight (a lot),
despite that i got bitten by insects sampai my skin berbintik2 byk gile kalah chicken pox,
despite that i'm slightly intimidated by other people's way of studying,
despite the fact that the guy i have a crush on still doesn't know i exist,
despite that this place is not as what i imagined,
despite that i'm surrounded by smelly garbage everywhere,
despite that i'm on the verge of dehydration,
despite that i miss everything back home,
despite that sometimes i even miss myself,

as of this moment right now, i am happy.
because despite every terrible thing that occured, there are much greater things that came along with them.


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